Ice cream Cup

Ice creams

Sparking Joy

Feeling happy? Let’s eat some ice cream. Feeling sad? Let’s eat some ice cream.

No matter how your day is going, ice creams always make it better!

At Sumesti, we are happy to introduce our new range of ice creams that satisfy all your sweet cravings with a touch of flavour and fun. Made with milk, these classic flavours and innovative blends are rich in fruits, nuts, and more, promising pure enjoyment in every bite.

Our ice creams are available in cups, cones, swirls, and packs, making them ideal for all your needs – whether it’s a party for one after lunch or a party for 20 after dinner.

Every ice cream lives up to your expectations and infuses joy in your mind, body, and soul! At Sumesti, we don’t make ice creams, we make our customers happier!

Key Benefits:

⊛ Helps us make new connections
⊛ Boosts our mood and makes us feel happy
⊛ Keeps our body running smoothly
⊛ Provides an excellent source of energy
⊛ Keeps our bones strong

Dive into pure delight with every scoop of our frozen treats!